Look who's talking!
WasmCloud Crash Course with Cosmonic
Bailey Hayes - Cosmonic / Taylor Thomas - Cosmonic
How can you sketch an idea for an application on a napkin and, in a few clicks, have it running live in multi-cloud, multi-edge, far-edge environments at any scale and at near native speeds. Meet the Cosmonic PaaS: the fast, secure-by-default, distributed application development platform that eliminates entire classes of development challenges and dissolves management costs. These hands-on demonstrations will bring WebAssembly to life and demonstrate the speed and ease of going from simple sketch to rapid scale with WebAssembly + Cosmonic.
What to expect:
- Go from beginner to expert on Cosmonic
- Deep dive demo
- Cosmonic Platform-as-a-Service and Q&A
- Meet some of the core contributors to wasmCloud and other core Wasm projects: Taylor Thomas and Bailey Hayes
- Hands-on with Cosmonic and wasmCloud
- Build several applications
- Deploy your applications to Cosmonic and your own infrastructure simultaneously